Different Types of Content Ideas for Authors by @K8Tilton
In my social media training work I come across a lot of authors who do not know what to share on social media. Many of these authors fall to sharing just articles they like or promotional messages of their books. There is a better way. After consistency, variety is the key to social media success. Here are different content ideas for authors you can use today.
- Share a picture of your current read and ask your audience “What are you reading?”
- Share a picture of your writing workspace.
- Share a picture of the stunning sunset or snow outside your window.
Some of the best days at work, when I get to beta read. #amreading http://t.co/IuRE1kcy4P pic.twitter.com/rq2FKnf26E
— Kate Tilton (@K8Tilton) February 3, 2015
- Ask your readers to help you name characters when you are stuck.
- Ask for casting suggestions for your latest book.
- Ask simple yes/no questions such as: “Do you like the snow?”
- Ask your readers what their favorite hobby, movie, book, or TV show is.
What is your favorite thing about a book signing?
— Kate Tilton (@K8Tilton) February 7, 2015
- Share a quote that resonates with you and your brand.
- Share a quote from your latest book. (Just remember this is promotional, so do so sparingly).
- Share a quote from your current read.
- Share a quote from your favorite author.
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
– Buddha
— Rachel Thompson (@RachelintheOC) February 10, 2015
- Share facts about books.
- Share facts about publishing.
- Share facts you found while researching for your latest book.
Social media updates consist of links, images, quotes, reshares, plain-text updates. Visuals do best across all channels via @buffer
— Rachel Thompson (@BadRedheadMedia) February 8, 2015
- Share tips for inspiring writers.
- Share tips related to the nonfiction subject you write about.
In marketing it is just as important to recognize when something is NOT working. Don't waste your time, rethink and recreate! #k8approved
— Kate Tilton (@K8Tilton) February 5, 2015
What’s going on in your life
- Share updates about your everyday life. These little statements show readers that you are a person, just like them.
I'm praying for good road conditions as I head out on my first trip of the week. Do you drive in the snow? #AdventureK8
— Kate Tilton (@K8Tilton) February 10, 2015
Talk back: What content do you share on social media? What content do you wish authors wouldn’t share on social media?
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I try to mix it up and mostly put quirky things up that come to mind. I sometimes share those jokes about grammar and English language usage. I don’t like to know too much detail about the flu bug hitting the family and I things that seem like Too Much Information. Politics turns me off. I like to post and read things that are fairly light or give me good information or make me think. I enjoy photos.
Sounds like you have a good balance Cathy. You can certainly share things that are personal without being TOO personal, photos are a great way to do that. I tell my authors to have a focus on what their audience is looking for by picking a few topics and using different types of content to share on those topics. That way things are interesting for everyone.
Thank you Kate. Interesting advice there, especially for beginners like myself.
Thank you for checking out my article Gloria! I love sharing social media tips and am happy it helps.
Great tips! Even though I’ve been in marketing for a while, I sometimes run dry when it comes to what to say. These are fantastic ideas.
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[…] Different Types of Content Ideas for Authors by @K8Tilton […]
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