Posts Tagged ‘email’
5 Reasons Authors Should Market Themselves With Email by Guest Conor Kelly
Email We love it, we hate it. We like to complain we get too much of it, but we’re also addicted to our inboxes. If you’re an author who’d like to build a following, sell more books, and be seen as the go-to person in your industry, then this article will show you how –…
Read MoreHow to Improve Your Email Newsletters Right Now by Guest @SugarbeatBC
All the experts these days seem to focus on “growing your list,” as part of your author platform. That’s the primary message – bigger and bigger numbers seem to be the most important thing. How many email addresses can you gather up to proudly show off? Is this accumulation of numbers of readers an exercise…
Read MoreEmail Marketing: 3 Awesome Ways For You To Connect!
Rachel Thompson our fearless and filterless leader of authors and social media practices opens up her blog to answering YOUR questions. It’s my pleasure to have the opportunity to be one of those who provides tips and answers. Apollo Papafrangou posed these questions about email marketing: “Is it essential to have an email list as…
Read MoreTarget Marketing for Authors – Email Marketing by guest @jimmoorman
Please welcome back to the blog marketer and author Jim Moorman (Jamaican Flowers)! He continues his discussion on marketing by discussing email marketing. If you’re like me, you siphon through a dozen or more “spam” emails every day. Some are emails to which I’ve subscribed and many others are unsolicited. A few, however, are emails…
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