Posts Tagged ‘Marketing strategy’
Powerful Free Book Marketing and Business Help On the Go by @K8Tilton
Susan is driving home from work and hits the worst traffic of the month; now a half an hour drive suddenly becomes a two-hour drive. But despair Susan does not, because with this extra time she can catch up on the latest podcasts she’s subscribed too. Mike works from home as a full-time author, but…
Read MoreWhat IS a Target Audience? What You Need to Know by @K8Tilton
Jerry Gentry asked, “How do you get a handle on your target audience? Not what you think it is, but what it is in reality? Is it people who leave reviews, follow you blog, send you million dollar checks?” Good question, Jerry. Let’s first take a look at what a target audience IS. defines…
Read MoreHow To Sell Without Being Sleazy by @K8Tilton
You’re browsing Twitter, looking to connect with readers and authors who share your love of reading. You find an author who writes YA fantasy, your favorite kind of books, so you click that follow button and look forward to some great tweets about fantasy worlds, weapons, and creatures. Instead, you get an automatic direct message…
Read MoreHow to Engage Readers on Pinterest by @K8Tilton
Today I am pleased to answer writer Camela Cami Thompson‘s question “How the heck do I use Pinterest in an engaging and relevant way?” [share ]After Twitter, Pinterest is my favorite social media platform. [/share]For those of you who don’t know, Pinterest is a visual social media platform. This means all the content you share on Pinterest…
Read MoreThe Why and How of Developing a Blog Strategy by @nblackburn01
In my continuing series where I answer questions asked by YOU (in this case, this question comes from writer Camela Cami Thompson), staff writer Naomi Blackburn takes on ‘What is a blog strategy and is it important for authors to have one?’ Thanks Camela for a fab question! Here you go…. I am always…
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