Posts Tagged ‘RachelintheOC’
5 Reasons You Need To Stop Being A Lazy Writer on Social Media
You may not be a lazy writer on social media, but there are plenty of them out there. Several writers have made these social media faux pas and many have asked how they can overcome looking like an idiot. So this one’s for you! Read the Article Before Commenting on Social Media aka, how not…
Read MoreHow To Gain a Fanbase by Blogging by @K8Tilton
An author sits at a desk. It’s a cold fall morning and it is finally time to start. Start blogging that is. This is the happening thing. Everyone has a blog. If I don’t start now, I’ll never reach my readers, the author muses as the author often does. But where to begin? My writing…
Read MoreNot Selling Books? How To Change That Today!
Book marketing is a challenge, an art, either the bane of your existence or how you make your living. I try anything and everything to sell my books, and share those experiences here with you; I also love to learn from you all what you’ve tried in your book marketing and selling activities, and love to…
Read MoreThis is the Reason to Use Raw Emotion in Your Writing
Please welcome author and sexual abuse survivor supporter Lia Mack as she shares about writing what scares you. I love the idea of cutting into myself with an Exacto knife, little by little, slice by slice, until the entrails of my being are released, splayed and displayed out in the open. No longer hidden by…
Read MoreThis is The Reason You Need To Focus Your Content To Sell Books
I wrote a post over on my author blog about how self-promotion sucks because, in all likelihood, you’re doing it wrong. Maybe you’re not and you can relax and not yell at me, so go sit down and take some deep breaths. But if you are one of those annoying authors who is repeatedly…
Read MoreMeasuring Social Media ROI by @nblackburn01
Nanea Hoffman asks “How to measure reach on various social platforms. What is the best way to do this?” The Author CEO, Naomi Blackburn, explains social media ROI. [share ]Marketing is one of the most difficult areas to measure ROI (return on investment)[/share], but don’t fret, it isn’t impossible. There are several tools authors can use…
Read MoreWhat’s A Publishing Imprint And How Did I Get One?
So here I was, all excited that Broken Places finally, finally released (yay!), and I’m in the down and dirty trenches of doing the marketing and setting up the blog tour and connecting with folks on social and blah blah boring stuff you’re already falling asleep, when I get an out of the blue message…
Read MoreTop 5 Considerations When Choosing How to Publish Your Book by guest @Booktrope CMO @ksearsbooks
Top Five Considerations when choosing how to publish your book Please welcome Katherine Fye Sears, CMO of my publisher, Booktrope, and kickass marketing chick, here to explain the three types of publishing (self, traditional, and hybrid), and the top five considerations of each. I encourage you to read and then pick her brain in comments!…
Read MoreCan We Ever Benefit From A Flame War? I Say…Maybe.
Is it possible to actually benefit from engaging in a flame war? I’ve always said no. The professional in me says walk away, take it off the net, block or avoid. Negativity doesn’t help anyone. And that’s been my story every since entering the fray back in 2008 when I started my author blog,…
Read More4 Top Tips To Help You Understand KDP Select
4 Top Tips To Help You Understand KDP Select Are you an author who is trying to decide whether to do KDP Select, or who has done it with unsatisfactory results? I want to share my experiences with you. Please note this is my opinion only (along with solid research). Feel free to disagree. First…
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