10 Tips To Up Your Book Marketing Skills Right Now

10 Tips To Up Your Book Marketing Skills Right Now, BadRedheadMedia.com, BadRedhead Media, @badredheadmedia, Books

Many authors are intimidated by the thought of marketing their books. As I mention in this post on my blog recently, the concept of an author platform makes most writers run away or start talking to the dust bunnies in the corner. What Is Book Marketing Anyway? The basic premise of book marketing is this: write…

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This is Why @Buffer is the Perfect Social Media Manager

This is Why Buffer is the Perfect Social Media Manager, Buffer Social Media Management, BadRedhead Media, @BadRedheadMedia

*This post is not sponsored by, nor does it contain affiliate links to, Buffer. I just think they’re awesome.* Many authors, both newbies and published, find managing their author platforms on social media overwhelming. And it can be! There are a lot of social media channels – each one important for an author to be…

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Difference Between BetaReaders and ARC Readers: What You Need To Know by @MelissaFlicks

Difference Between BetaReaders and ARC Readers: What You Need To Know by @MelissaFlicks via @BadRedheadMedia, writers, readers

Please welcome Melissa Flicks, my cohost for #BookMarketingChat, author assistant extraordinaire, and general whirlwind. Melissa explains the difference between betareaders and ARC readers, and why it’s important writers know the difference.  During our latest #BookMarketingChat, we briefly touched on the topic of betareaders and ARC readers. Since we didn’t have time to discuss them in detail…

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How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books?

How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books?

Easy. Just by attending the chat each week on Wednesdays (6pm pst/9pm est), you’ll learn numerous ways to market your books and it costs you nothing but an hour. No money. No hidden charges. Nada. **I do not cover book creation in a marketing chat, however, I cannot stress enough that your book must be…

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How to Start Using Hashtags Effectively Right Now!

How to Start Using Hashtags Effectively Right Now!

Twitter didn’t invent hashtags. Social media doesn’t lay claim to own them. If you’re one of those people who believe hashtags should still be referred to as the number sign, have ruined language, or should only be used in music, then move along. This article isn’t for you. You’re not my demographic. I’m here to…

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