About BadRedHead Media
In addition to writing as Rachel Thompson, I’m also a social media and author marketing/branding consultant.*
Notice I don’t say visionary, guru, or any of those goofy words #eek
Who is BadRedhead Media?
Here’s my deal: I graduated from California State University, Sacramento in 1986 with a degree in Communications Studies and a Minor in Journalism, and went straight into…selling! After 17+ years in soul-sucking Big Pharma (sales, marketing, and training, now recovered, thank you), I started my blog, RachelintheOC back wow, in ’08. Mostly because like you, I had something to say. I embraced blogging and social media like a dog to a bone. Blogger, Facebook, Twitter — yea! Okay…I’m here everyone…! Now what? *crickets*
Perhaps many of you feel the same. And that’s where I come in. Utilizing my almost two decades of sales, marketing, and training, plus my own experiences in social media and publishing, I learned how to brand myself, what pre-release activities work prior to book launch, all about Amazon, and what it takes to make my seven books (Broken Places, Broken Pieces, Broken People (an award-winner!), A Walk In The Snark, and The Mancode: Exposed, The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge) and the newly released BadRedhead Media’s How To Best Optimize Blog Posts For SEO, all Number One bestsellers!
I currently write social media articles for many outlets, such as Huffington Post (Books Section), Feminine Collective, IndieReader, BookMachine, BlueInk Review, The Verbs on Medium (for Pronoun Publishing), Business2Community.com, and am currently the Senior Director of Social Media Services for AuthorBytes.
Official Bio
Rachel Thompson is the author of the award-winning, bestselling Broken Places (one of IndieReader’s “Best of 2015” top books and 2015 Honorable Mention Winner in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Book Festivals), and the multi-award-winning Broken Pieces, as well as two additional humor books, A Walk In The Snark and Mancode: Exposed. She released her third Broken book, Broken People, in 2021, which won best in category (biography) for the Indie Excellence Awards.
She released the BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge in December 2016 to rave reviews, with an updated ebook and print version in December 2017. She also released an SEO mini-book just for writers in February 2018 which immediately shot to #1 on 5 lists! You can purchase that here for only 99c.
She owns BadRedhead Media, creating effective social media and book marketing campaigns for authors. Her articles appear regularly in The Huffington Post, IndieReader.com, FeminineCollective.com, Medium, and Mogul.
Not just an advocate for sexual abuse survivors, Rachel is the creator and founder of the hashtag phenomenon #MondayBlogs, the weekly live Twitter chat, #SexAbuseChat, co-hosted with C Streetlights and Judith Staff (every Tuesday, 6pm pst/9pm est), and #BookMarketingChat (every Wednesday 6pm pst/9pm est), helping authors learn all kinds of great tips to market their books!
She hates walks in the rain, running out of coffee, and coconut. She lives in California with her family.
More Information
***Please note: Rachel is NOT a reviewer. However, she suggests you check out the Book Bloggers List
to discover reviewers for your genre.***
For more of her articles, please visit her Media page here.
For specifics on Services, please click here.
For more on her Books, please click here.
For more on her Author blog or Media kit, please visit her author website.