Here Are The Winners For The #NaNoProMo Final Week!
We made it through the entire month of #NaNoProMo — can you believe it? I’m pleased to announce the final #NaNoProMo winners today.
What a month it has been, too. Want to know how this all started? She doesn’t really want credit yet I want her to have it because she’s so brilliant.
The fabulous brain of Charlie Mills — branding expert featured this week and giving away customized branding guides as well—dropped this kernel of an idea in DM (direct message) last year.
“What about a month devoted to book marketing, Rach?”
We bandied about some ideas for the name and eventually came up with #NaNoProMo.
I bought the domain (where I plan to house it all next year), opened up social media channels for it (Twitter, FB Page, G+), started posting helpful content, and that was that for the time being.
I realized I could pull it off with A LOT of help. Then I started realizing — this is going to take a ton of coordination, connections, and carefully worded pleading :). Which, fine, whatever — I’m good at all that. It’s the time and effort it would take on top of everything I’m already doing to make it all come to fruition.
Which it did, and for that, I’m super grateful to all involved, and pleased. And tired.
#NaNoProMo Winners!
This is Why Your Author Branding Matters More Than You Think by @BadRedheadMedia
My giveaway is:
5 copies of BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge ($100 value). eBook or print—winner’s choice
And the Winners are…
- Karen Hugg
- Sue Coletta
- Jennifer Gilmour
- Raiscara Avalon
- Alex Kourvo
9 copies of BadRedheadMedia How To Best Optimize Blog Posts for SEO ($10 value)—there were 9 commenters.
And the Winners are…
- Jennifer Silverwood
- Tom Reid
- Colleen Tews
- Zoe Asher
- Dana Lemaster
- Jessica Joiner
- Lisa S.
- Dean McKenna
- Alexandria Szeman
And the Grand Prize: A One Hour 1-on-1 Consultation with BadRedheadMedia goes to…
Lexi Rees!
5 Editing Tips You Need to Know Now by Guest @CStreetlights
BeyondDefLit is generously offering $50 off an editing package and free manuscript evaluation ($250 value), or $50 off a cover design (2 winners).
And the Winners are…
- Courtney Cevis for the Editing Package discount and free MS evaluation
- Erica Merchant for the Cover Design Discount
How to Start Blogging: A Guide for Authors by Guest @VeryGoodCopy
Copywriting Expert, Eddie Shleyner, graciously donated a 1-hour long expert consultation on copywriting/content marketing!
And the Winner is…
Dylan Crush!
How to Strategically Build a Brand Experience by Guest @Charli_Mills
Charli Mills is giving away three author brand style guides, which are individually created to represent the brand elements of an author platform!
And the Winners are…
- Greg Smith
- Gail Priest
- D. Avery
27 Expert, Proven Ways to Market Your Books Effectively
This is the big summary of the entire month, with the giveaway (a 1-on-1 Skype consultation from New York Times bestselling author Hugh Howey — wow!):
And the Final Winner is…
Suzanne Brown!
Big shout outs to all the experts, companies, and winners, and to everyone who participated in #NaNoProMo to make it happen and a big thank you to Authorbytes for providing advertising dollars.
I’ll have a free downloadable PDF with all the posts up in a week or two. Stay tuned for more info on that.
Meanwhile, I’m going to go sleep for a few weeks.
For a more detailed plan on developing your book marketing, purchase Rachel’s new book,
The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge now on Amazon!
Readers’ Favorite Silver Award Winner!
*Winners will be contacted via the email used to comment.**All prize winners must agree to hold BadRedhead Media entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility.
Thank you❣
Thank you!
Thank you! It was all so well planned and organized. I learned a lot!
EEEEK! So excited to be named here but also sad its all over. x
Thanks for all of this, Rachel. This has been a month full of so much helpful information. Loved it!
Yay! Thanks so much 😀
This is a belated but sincere thank you for the ebook and for all you did to make #NaNoProMo such a great experience. Rachel, you’re the best!