Archive for November 2012
‘Brand’ Is Not A Four Letter Word by guest @DVinjamuri
I couldn’t be more pleased to hand the floor over to branding expert, Forbes writer, professor of social media, published author and all-around cool dude, David Vinjamuri. Since branding seems to be one of those elusive concepts many people discuss but few understand, I asked him to elaborate on it for us: authors. ‘Brand’…
Read MoreThe #1 Secret To Help You Sell More Books Is…
The #1 Secret To Help You Sell More Books Is… Got your attention? Good! Because I have more than one secret. Don’t be too disappointed, okay? (There are actually six or seven secrets here, but I share the main one at the end of this article so keep your pants on.) …
Read MoreHow Do We Find Targeted Readers? 5 Top Tips!
5 Top Tips To Find Targeted Readers Whether you’re a blogger, journalist, author, or small businessperson, you want people to read what you write. And with the popularity of social media, reaching readers has never been easier. Or more challenging. I’m asked at least once each day this question: How do I…
Read MoreUpcoming Spreecast RE: Triberr With Special Guest Dino Dogan on Tues, 11/13 4pm PST
Upcoming Spreecast RE: Triberr with special guest Dino Dogan on Tues, 11/13 4pm PST Heard of Triberr but not sure exactly what it does? Are you a member (joining is free) but unsure what the heck to do now? Love it? Hate it? Well, have I got a present for you!…
Read MoreBefore You Follow Another Tweep, Read This!
Before You Follow Another Tweep, Read This! As someone who has done this social media thingy for a while, I’m asked frequently: How do I find people on Twitter to follow? You can find any number of articles on who, what, when, where and why’s to follow. What follows is what…
Read MoreIf Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It?
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? I love when I see article titles like ‘Write and publish your book in three easy steps!’ since it sounds so doable. Hey, didn’t we all write bad poetry and song lyrics when we were thirteen? (Okay, you don’t have…
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