If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It?
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It?
I love when I see article titles like ‘Write and publish your book in three easy steps!’ since it sounds so doable. Hey, didn’t we all write bad poetry and song lyrics when we were thirteen? (Okay, you don’t have to answer that.)
Or, ‘Self-Publishing is the easy way out.’ Please.
Sorry, there’s no way that’s possible.
I’ve just completed the manuscript of my third book, tentatively titled Broken Pieces, due out in December. This book was like taking chunks of my soul, putting them in a blender, and pouring out the remains.
Easy? Hardly.
Writing is hard work for any writer; no matter the means a reader obtains it. The bias toward self-published authors is tired.
Let’s deconstruct.
1. Self-publishing is extremely hard work. Sure, some people take their personal journal or blog, copy and paste it, and upload it. Those are the people even serious self-published writers scoff at. Because prettily wrapped crap is still crap.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to doing good work, and if people think self-publishing is a shortcut…well, talk to me after you’ve done it and people have trashed you in reviews for poor editing, proofing, formatting, or bad design. Because they will.
2. Understanding the Market: In my business capacity (I founded BadRedhead Media last year), I help numerous authors develop their brand, marketing, book strategy, and social media. Many of these authors are traditionally published who got fair to decent advances, yet no help whatsoever with marketing.
The authors I work with fall into two camps: extraordinarily dedicated and well-versed in the plethora of various mediums in which to sell and market, or in need of help due to the plethora of various mediums in which to sell and market.
If you don’t understand social media or the definition of an author platform, Google it, buy a book, read my blog, read others who do know. Hire someone if you have the budget. Bottom line: figure it out.
3. Be Realistic: The other component to all of this is what I ask each client during our initial consultation: what is your definition of success?
For many, they want to sell millions of books in a week. In fact, one client fired me after one month; he had sold more of his paperback book than ever, but it wasn’t enough – even though I increased his sales by 1500%! His expectations were that I would magically make thousands of readers appear – not realistic or what I promised – and any social media consultant who tells you that is lying.
(He was interesting because he refused to: release a digital version, do any advertising, create a blog with fresh content, or interact or engage with folks on social media. Sound familiar? Expect very few sales, and the few you get will be luck.)
Here’s the reality: it takes more than one book to make you (with rare exception). Or looking at it another way from a practical standpoint, I would have to sell 63 books (at a profit of $2 and change) to equal just one hour of my consulting fee. If you deduct ads, marketing efforts, and initial investment of my own initial $1500 investment to produce a high-quality book, I’m lucky I’m out of the red at all.
In other words, I have a day job.
Perhaps it was easier for you to write and publish your book(s). You feel you can do it all yourself. Many people write books. Millions are available on Amazon and over 10K go free each day. You can do it on the quick, cheap, and easy.
But, should you?
As a #1 bestselling author of two books on Amazon (A Walk In The Snark and The Mancode: Exposed), my experience has been vastly different.
- So you wrote your book. Great. Piece of cake. You may have found that easy to do.
- Here’s my question for you: Did you have it professionally edited? Did you use betareaders to ensure the quality of your book prior to upload and to provide you with reviews? Have you had it proofread? Formatted? Designed?
Books are easy to find. Buyers of your book are not. When they do find you, make sure your product is amazing.
4. Love What You Do: That said, I love writing. I will keep writing until I die. I’ve written stories, poems, articles, and essays since I was a child. Like many people, writing is in my soul. I always have topics or stories to write about and I’m thrilled I can share them but more importantly, that people like them (or sometimes, hate them), and continue to buy them!
Love your job. If writing is your job, great. If selling millions of copies defines you, you might want to rethink your definition of success. Remember, do you write to be read? Then make it happen!
If you’re only in writing for the money, I feel bad for you. There’s so much more to life and art than money. Yes, we all have to pay bills…but for those who tie success only to finances, I can tell you I’ve seen first-hand how that causes only frustration.
So before you pay for another ‘Here’s how I did it and you can, too,’ book or take heart in an ‘It’s easy!’ article, look seriously at the level of dedication you have not only to writing, but also publishing, marketing, and promotion.
If you build it, they will come.
But you have to build it first.
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I’ll refrain from criticizing, that became a part of my personal constitution. On the other hand, I will tell you that I loved the energy of the post.
I can take it. 🙂
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/lAKZ7hgf via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/iSChBwIP via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/svURYcNe via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ip7U0FF3 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ZWVD7EKz via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/i5w3Qeqz via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/NZLgOmHS via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/LEM44thJ via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/Z0mvPnRv via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/RGNgZeBB via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/KS4TM6Kk via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/NIhBZHWy via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/nwFFfSLo via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ickSPeBC via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/GdljJSG5
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/W7DMLs0r via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/As6uRScm via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/TZs9vkc0 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/yihkGhph via @RachelintheOC
Can’t disagree with you, Rachel.
The physicality of self-publishing is not that hard. Upload a word document into something like Lulu and bingo – a book. But producing a decent quality one – that’s another thing. I’m glad you emphasise the importance of editing. That is a major beef I have with some self-publishing clowns here in Australia – according to them all you have to do is send it to someone in the Philippines to do your editing for next-to-nothing. That is, at best, proof reading. But there is a very important step – content editing. The trad publishers have access to those resources. Self-publishers have to go find them.
But now I have to catch up on some reading. Cheers
totally agree, Ross. That’s an important distinction when I work with author clients who think that it’s cool for their mom to proofread it and that’s it.
Um, no.
My editor, Jessica Swift, is a fabulous content editor. I’d be lost without her.
I think many authors feel that giving up control of their work by submitting it for content editing somehow makes them more vulnerable; when in reality, the opposite is true: deconstructing and reconstructing your work with the help of a pro makes you a better writer.
Trust the process!
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ljANnuw8 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ipSlxthH via @RachelintheOC
Great post, Rachel and so true. My friend just emailed me to see if I was okay, she hadn’t heard from me in a while. I quickly wrote back that I was sorry, but had just published my book and was working morning until night on publicity and writing another book. It’s a lot of work…I wish I made more…but I LOVE it.!
Thanks, Lorijo. A screenwriter friend of mine, Ryne Pearson (wrote KNOWING with Nicholas Cage), says it best:
‘What is the best way to promote your book? Write another.’
If anyone is in it for a quick buck, forget it.
“If anyone is in it for a quick buck, forget it.”
Back when I still had a ‘real’ job, when my supervisor heard that I had just had my first short story published and was writing a novel, she was quite convinced this meant I would soon be resigning to live off the buckets of money that no doubt I was about to start earning.
Yea, it’s a reality check for sure. Not that success doesn’t happen — like anything, you have to work at it.
I do talk with many authors who feel that selling millions of books and getting a movie deal will happen to them upon release. Even the authors that does happen to will tell you it took them years to become an overnight success. 🙂
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/baIRLoEk via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/YTQSN9jy via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/zrUCG3fn via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/bH8dk3aq via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/3FkwGNhG via @RachelintheOC
If #SelfPublishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/wWqtS0dH My thoughts, my martinis…
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/xg0HWJNL via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/MIgh9h0L via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/6h8RLgbm via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/MEbzF5N4 #publishing
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/8kCkDElR via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/6bFOCqYa via @badredheadmedia
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/potpyK8j via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/E8GzquH9 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/H7RhvqZE @badredheadmedia
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/dQMoaX0M via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/Dscgg418 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/YsZAGbN2 via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/HUhsCFwh via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/mC71XaxL via @RachelintheOC
I have self-published a poetry book (in Oct, 2008) and have another book 90% ready when I want to publish it, but I am looking to move into business and technology writing! Publishing is not super easy, but self-publishing does allow for added control over your content and flexibility that has not been seen in traditional publishing!
Hi Dwayne and thanks for your comment.
Like you, I’m a very happy indie. The benefits of increased distribution are really the only ones I see from having a trad’l publisher, since most authors I’ve worked with who are trad’l still have to do all their own promo and marketing.
As long as you can create a beautifully written, clean and well-designed product, why not reap all the benefits? My thoughts anyway. 🙂
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/RdhhxxIF via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/uNkB5jes via @RachelintheOC
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/p37hI3kQ via @RachelintheOC
🙂 RT If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/hMlc6Bii via @RachelintheOC
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/92jlJzAt via @RachelintheOC
Indeed! If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/EsnznbJX via @RachelintheOC
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/W7dIwNlQ via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/moqedj7o via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/QXWq5bRO via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/EpNjhGiY via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/mg7y5wmk via @RachelintheOC
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/3OBPMOWp via @RachelintheOC
#MentionMonday If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/NN9gsJqO Plz RT
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/Dv5cZsiQ via @RachelintheOC
Interested in self #publishing? Read @BadRedheadMedia http://t.co/pxrntwW2 #MentionMonday
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#MentionMonday If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/O74Adb2X Plz RT
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/pYVmHBYj via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/KmmELmyp via @RachelintheOC
If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/n2xzapys Plz RT
‘If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It?’ http://t.co/OZUFSFUH
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/ghXRuUAA
Rachel Thompson has some great info for indies http://t.co/5NehZaNA
Thank you so much, Linda! Happy to help. x
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/Xa43RKwa
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do Self-Pubbers Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/PSRAjUjo @badredheadmedia
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If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/cDEoz3ae
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[…] If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? […]
[…] If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? […]
I self published and it is not an easy process. But I am passionate about my subject so it was worth the work. I had my manuscript professionally edited. In the editing process though, they don’t always catch everything for example I was finding typo’s after the final edit! I also made changes on-going so that didn’t help speed up the process but it was more important to me to get it as close to perfection as possible before going in to print. I think the whole self publishing will get easier for the next book as I already have all the contacts and knowledge and how-to’s down. The marketing is a whole other animal which I struggle with some days. Social media is draining me and leaving me with little time to write. thanks for this post. I enjoy reading other comments to hear how other writers have self published.
It IS difficult, Lisa. The whole ball of wax as they say. I definitely recommend (and use) a proofreader in addition to your structural edit for the reasons you’ve stated. Also, you should send the book out to beta(test)readers — they are amazingly helpful and catch things even your professionals can miss.
I write about social media tips and tricks here and on my Twitter and FB pages. Scheduling your tweets is extremely helpful (I like Hootsuite) but there are many other programs out there. I still recommend live tweeting/fb’ing of course, but to maintain a consistent presence spread throughout the day, that’s my strongest recommendation for any writer.
good luck!
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#MondayBlogs If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/6YyK2UCd #selfpublishing
#MondayBlogs If Self-Publishing Books Is SO Easy, Why Do We Work So Hard At It? http://t.co/vTL3A0ts #selfpublishing
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