Fiction vs Nonfiction: Which Is Easier To Write?
I laugh when people say writing nonfiction is easier than fiction.
There is nothing easy about writing, period.
I tweeted that earlier this week and while most people agree, there are several MFA types who argued that writing fiction is much more difficult because an author must understand the mechanics of writing, the craft of writing, the process of writing — something a nonfiction writer will never understand. Some said fiction is an art, whereas nonfiction is a formulaic craft — basically the difference is an artist vs. a craftsman.
I couldn’t disagree more (and no offense to my MFA friends — I adore you and appreciate your feedback).
Let’s deconstruct.
As a writer of many short stories over the years (and sold a few back in college to newspapers), I get that there is a an art to writing good fiction. No question. As an avid reader most of my life, I know I have certain requirements for a novel: deep characters, a plot that moves along, not to much in the way of ‘exposition,’ (description of the plant outside the window, or the dark and stormy night). I’m not super hard to please — like most readers, I simply want to be entertained.
Writing a great plot, deep characters, with lyrical prose or a complicated yet fascinating story is incredibly hard. I would never venture to say that it’s not. Creating something from nothing is magical, in my opinion. For me, as a reader of both nonfiction and fiction, and a writer of primarily nonfiction, I can say that if a book grabs me and doesn’t let me go, I’ll be a fan for life.
This doesn’t mean that it’s a competition. There’s a segment of the publishing community that discounts one genre over another based on skill level required or education. I personally think that’s silly. There are plenty of books people adored that I got bored with or downright hated (The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen — kill me now. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn — snoozer. Sorry, call me crazy, but there you have it). Highly educated, talented authors who put me to sleep.
But I’m just one little person. Does my opinion — and my money — really matter?
As for writing fiction, I don’t enjoy it. I’m impatient. Real-life fascinates me and that’s why I’m more drawn to it. Am I drawn to it because it’s easier? For me it is! But that’s not the case for many.
There are many types of nonfiction: narrative nonfiction, creative nonfiction, articles, blog posts, and essays. I’ve read deadly dull memoirs where I wondered, ‘How on earth did this person land a book deal to write this minutiae?’ Ack. Not everything needs to be written and shared.
That’s where I think is the skill involved in nonfiction. Not only giving ourselves permission to write about incredibly difficult topics that make people uncomfortable (as I did in Broken Pieces), but to also know what’s worth writing about and what’s just…not.
Writing Broken Pieces was one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. Yet the dichotomy isn’t lost on me — it was difficult and easy at the same time.
We write what interests us. We write what we are drawn to. Yes, there are plenty of techniques any writer can employ, but to be honest, many writers use them anyway without knowing their official name (i.e., personification, alliteration, etc). If an author is well-versed in technique, does that mean their book will be a blockbuster? No way. Same goes with the converse: can a high school graduate (or less) write a book worth reading? You bet.
Another thought: nonfiction has proven to be easier to sell than fiction, particularly short stories. Why? Typically, you can read nonfiction pieces faster and you can find them everywhere (look at the internet, social media, blogs).
Sometimes the competition between various ‘factions’ of publishing becomes a little too much for me. The bottom line for writers: write a great book. For readers: when you find great books, share them with everyone you know, review them, shout out your favorite authors on social media or your blog.
(Want to learn more about the difference between writing nonfiction and fiction? Check out The Write Practice.)
I’m thrilled to announce that my latest release, Broken Pieces, made the finals of the eFestival of Words Awards. If you’d like to vote, here’s the link (note: you do have to create an account with an email and password only, then click on Awards Hall for Nonfiction). Thank you!
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[…] Fiction vs Nonfiction: Which Is Easier To Write? […]
Hey Rachel, good topic.
When I first read this, I thought oh this is easy– fiction is way harder. I can write non-fiction and it just flows but fiction I have to follow a lot more rules, craft, outline, and revise a lot more. But, then it hit me it is probably different for each writer. Some people can write fiction with confidence but ask them to write something non-fiction and it is like pulling teeth. I think in the end it depends on the writer.
I agree with you there, Christoph. Totally dependent on the writer.
I personally never set out to write nonfiction — it just seems that it comes more naturally to me than fiction. That said, I have about 3 fiction projects I’m working on now and enjoying it immensely. Hopefully readers will also!
Thanks for reading and commenting. xx
I couldn’t agree more on all counts. Some Best Sellers have bored me to tears – Elizabeth Edwards “Saving Graces”, I didn’t even have the heart to donate it. Writing fiction and non fiction: just as difficult, but in fiction the writer can indulge and make up anything, that requires talent, no doubt, but real life…? that’s an art.
Great article….and while I agree that some folks may seem to share to much in Non Fiction,I can tell you that I write just for the internal and emotional release it gives me.
I think every type and and every genre requires it’s own level of skill. I write both fiction and nonfiction, but I mostly stay in fiction unless there is something “real world” want to share.
In the fiction realm (is my fantasy showing) a lot of people argue that fantasy and science fiction are more difficult to write than say a mystery or a thriller because you have to create a whole different world and somehow get the reader to believe it and understand it relative to our own. A thriller or a mystery you have to get more “real world” in about a general location or a place and you have to have some good red herrings to keep people guessing or risk straining the “suspension of disbelief”. If the reader guesses the killer to quickly before the big reveal then it’s a letdown.
I definitely think it all requires skill — no matter the genre. That said, some of the most amazing books I’ve read are incredibly intricate with weaving stories and plot lines and I think — hell to the no, I am not that good.
So it all depends, really, on the subject. Writing nonfiction isn’t easy — particular about the difficult subjects. I’m impressed with anyone who sits down the write — none of it is easy.
Great article.
Personally, I write fiction because my nonfiction stinks. No one like it. They do think my fiction shows potential. I do like both though.
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Fiction vs Nonfiction: Which Is Easier To Write?