Archive for May 2016
How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books?
Easy. Just by attending the chat each week on Wednesdays (6pm pst/9pm est), you’ll learn numerous ways to market your books and it costs you nothing but an hour. No money. No hidden charges. Nada. **I do not cover book creation in a marketing chat, however, I cannot stress enough that your book must be…
Read MoreHow to Start Using Hashtags Effectively Right Now!
Twitter didn’t invent hashtags. Social media doesn’t lay claim to own them. If you’re one of those people who believe hashtags should still be referred to as the number sign, have ruined language, or should only be used in music, then move along. This article isn’t for you. You’re not my demographic. I’m here to…
Read MoreWhich Social Media Channel Sells The Most Books?
“Which one social media channel will net me the most book sales?” an author asked me recently during my new weekly #BookMarketingChat (join any Wednesday on Twitter, 6pm pst/9pm est simply by typing in the hashtag). Well, it’s not that easy. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just go to say, Facebook, because…
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