Posts by Naomi Blackburn
Which is right for you? A Quick Guide to KDP vs. KDP Select
The final post in our Amazon series has us looking at KDP vs. KDP Select. After our longer posts, this post is short and sweet because it is pretty straightforward. Any author can publish their book under KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). This is the basic Kindle publishing tool. This tool allows authors to upload their…
Read MoreHow to Price Your eBook on Amazon by Naomi Blackburn (@NBlackburn01)
In the second of a three-part series on navigating Amazon, Cheryl Ives asks “How do I price my books on Amazon?” One of my favorite oldie-but-goodie articles that is worth a read is a post written by author J.A. Konrath, who explains the conundrum beautifully. If he prices a book too high, he loses sales.…
Read MoreA Quick 8-Step Guide to Publishing Your eBook on Amazon! by @NBlackburn01
Cheryl Ives asked us how to publish and sell ebooks on Amazon. Since this is a large subject we’ve broken it down into a series called Publishing and Selling eBooks with Amazon. Today I’ll cover how to upload your book to Amazon. Congratulations, you have officially finished your manuscript. It is back from your professional editor.…
Read MoreHow Do I Get Local Bookstores to Carry My Books? by @nblackburn01
Camela Cami Thompson asked,[share ] “How do I get a bookstore to carry my books?”[/share] Excellent question, Camela! Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. I frequently hear authors complain that independent bookstores won’t carry their books for personal reasons, or because there is a dislike or disdain for independently published books. While this could be…
Read MoreHow to Find Your Audience Online by @nblackburn01
Kerry Gans asked, [share ]“How can an author find an online audience?” [/share]Today, I am going to not only discuss the basics that we all know about, but I am going also going to talk about some sites that authors may not be familiar with: Snapchat, Pinterest, and Instagram, which are considered to be soft…
Read MoreMeasuring Social Media ROI by @nblackburn01
Nanea Hoffman asks “How to measure reach on various social platforms. What is the best way to do this?” The Author CEO, Naomi Blackburn, explains social media ROI. [share ]Marketing is one of the most difficult areas to measure ROI (return on investment)[/share], but don’t fret, it isn’t impossible. There are several tools authors can use…
Read MoreSocial Media Necessity for Authors by @nblackburn01
LB Dunbar (@lbdunbarwrites) asks “Where to find potential readers…is it really FB, Twitter, FB groups?” AuthorCEO Naomi Blackburn explains. One word…YES! Let’s break it down. One of the things I tell every client is that being an indie author (heck, any kind of author) is a business. To be successful a business must have visibility.…
Read MoreYouTube, Your Book Trailer and You! by @nblackburn01
YouTube, Your Book Trailer and You! M.J. Kelley (@themjkelley) asks about how to use YouTube in a book’s marketing plan. Hold on! Isn’t YouTube only for videos, tutorials, and short movies? Yes, this is why [share ]an author should invest in a book trailer for their book[/share]. If one writes young adult/teen fiction, it…
Read MoreHow to Connect with Readers on Goodreads by @nblackburn01
Author John Hancock asked “How do I connect with readers who would be interested in my books? I can locate authors who are, but every time I find a fan group site or whatever, they have rules about promoting your own work. It feels a bit like a catch 22.” This is one of the most frequently asked…
Read MoreHow Can I Get Comments on My Blog? by @nblackburn01
In my continuing series where I answer questions asked by YOU (in this case, this question comes from writer MJ Kelley), staff writer Naomi Blackburn takes on ‘How can blog posts incite reader comments?’ Thanks MJ for a fab question! Here you go…. When I first started writing guest posts, I was often disappointed if I didn’t get any…
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