How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books?

How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books?

Easy. Just by attending the chat each week on Wednesdays (6pm pst/9pm est), you’ll learn numerous ways to market your books and it costs you nothing but an hour. No money. No hidden charges. Nada. **I do not cover book creation in a marketing chat, however, I cannot stress enough that your book must be…

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Social Media Necessity for Authors by @nblackburn01

The 4 Most Effective Book Marketing Strategies That Work, BadRedhead Media, @badredheadmedia

LB Dunbar (@lbdunbarwrites) asks “Where to find potential readers…is it really FB, Twitter, FB groups?” AuthorCEO Naomi Blackburn explains.  One word…YES! Let’s break it down. One of the things I tell every client is that being an indie author (heck, any kind of author) is a business. To be successful a business must have visibility.…

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YouTube, Your Book Trailer and You! by @nblackburn01


YouTube, Your Book Trailer and You!   M.J. Kelley (@themjkelley) asks about how to use YouTube in a book’s marketing plan. Hold on! Isn’t YouTube only for videos, tutorials, and short movies?  Yes, this is why [share ]an author should invest in a book trailer for their book[/share].  If one writes young adult/teen fiction, it…

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The Twitter Secret by guest @DanaLeipold

Today please help me welcome author and writing coach Dana Leipold to the blog as she shares her secret to Twitter success.  My real life friends often ask me, “Why do you do that Twitter thing? I don’t get it.” At first, I didn’t get it either but now I see the power Twitter has…

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The Dos and Don’ts of Goodreads by Guest @nblackburn01

The Dos and Don'ts of Goodreads by Guest @nblackburn01

There is no shortage of Social Media where authors can build awareness of their books. Facebook is a great place to meet friends, see grandbabies, and keep tabs on where your friends are vacationing. But if you want to talk books, there is nowhere that tops Goodreads. It’s the social media site for book lovers.…

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What Works, What Doesn’t In Book Marketing

Is your book marketing the same as it was a year ago? I know mine is … and it’s kinda not (I know, such a female answer). This article is solely based on my own personal experiences marketing my three books: A Walk In The Snark, Mancode: Exposed, and Broken Pieces (eBook and now in…

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