Solve Your Book Marketing Problems Right Now!

In case you missed my last few posts on book marketing, I’ve collected them for you here. NOW is a great time to get your act together for the holidays, the week after, and the first few weeks of January, when people have gift cards, new Kindles and iPads, eReaders of all kinds, and time to spend reading your books! Historically, even February can be THE best time for authors to sell books, according to my publisher, Booktropered holidays unsplash

I wrote two book marketing posts here on my blog, another for which Huffington Post picked up! I share them below, and all are practical with lots of links. If you have any questions at all, hit me up here. I’m happy to help. Good luck!


4 Ways to Solve Your Holiday Book Marketing Problems Now

where I give you four practical book marketing tips on how to:

  • connect with readers,
  • run promos right now,
  • blog ideas,
  • and how to connect with book bloggers who are running blog contests for the holidays.



Book Marketing Tips You Need To Know Now! Part One

Where I give you specific ideas on:

  • social media,
  • blogging,
  • newsletters/email marketing,
  • and advertising with links to take action right now.

Go there next.

Book Marketing Tips You Need to Know Now, Part Two!

Where I review:

  • promotional tools,
  • groups,
  • street teams,
  • and blog tours

fireworks and smoke unsplashThese three articles should give you enough info to make your head explode. Kidding. But you will be busy getting your book marketing house in order. If you have any questions, let me know.

Meanwhile, figure out which posts you want to share for the rest of the month for #MondayBlogs. Just a reminder, no book promo for #MondayBlogs — the goal is to share your writing and increase traffic to your website, NOT promote your books (which you can do with all the tools I just gave you!).

News: Worried about your lack of knowledge of book marketing, social media and branding? Relax. I’m bringing you something so huge in January, you’re not going to want to miss out. Look for a sign-up coming soon or sign up for my newsletter right now. Best part? It’s totally free




pictures courtesy of unsplash
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  1. Kay on December 6, 2015 at 10:20 am

    When I tried to sign up for Newsletter it said (in red) There are errors below. Blank email address.
    I filled everything out anyway and submitted and never got the “verify please” email … alas

  2. […] Solve Your Book Marketing Problems Right Now! […]

  3. […] your readers, people you may never be able to reach on your own. You can find all of them here on this post with details and […]

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