4 Ways You Can Make Time to Blog Right Now

4 Ways You Can Make Time to Blog Right Now by @RachelintheOC, #blogging #Blog #writing #BookMarketing

Time, writers say, is the biggest challenge when it comes to blogging. We are writing books. We are marketing books. We are thinking about marketing books. We are parents, spouses or significant others, single parents, workers bees, pet puke cleaner-uppers, grocery-shoppers, housekeepers, laundry-do-ers, mental illness sufferers/survivors, advocates, and the beat goes on. Time is a real issue,…

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Here’s How to Write The Ultimate Guest Post via @BadRedheadMedia

I write many guest posts and articles which are shared on big-name sites like Huffington Post, Good Men Project, Feminine Collective, and IndieReader.com. This didn’t happen because I tripped over these sites — it happened because I’ve been writing professionally about social media, branding, and book marketing since 2009, I submitted my work repeatedly (and faced…

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How To Gain a Fanbase by Blogging by @K8Tilton

How To Gain a Fanbase by Blogging

An author sits at a desk. It’s a cold fall morning and it is finally time to start. Start blogging that is. This is the happening thing. Everyone has a blog. If I don’t start now, I’ll never reach my readers, the author muses as the author often does. But where to begin? My writing…

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How To Create Content People Care About by @K8Tilton

Goodreads, The Author CEO, BadRedheadMedia

Ina Smith Zajac asked, “How to write blog content people actually care about?” The answer is simple, write valuable content for your audience. But what does valuable content look like? What does your audience look like? Let’s break it down. Step One – Know Your Audience This is always the first step. It is also…

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How Can I Get Comments on My Blog? by @nblackburn01

In my continuing series where I answer questions asked by YOU (in this case, this question comes from writer MJ Kelley), staff writer Naomi Blackburn takes on ‘How can blog posts incite reader comments?’ Thanks MJ for a fab question! Here you go…. When I first started writing guest posts, I was often disappointed if I didn’t get any…

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