Easy. Just by attending the chat each week on Wednesdays (6pm pst/9pm est), you’ll learn numerous ways to market your books and it costs you nothing but an hour. No money. No hidden charges. Nada.
**I do not cover book creation in a marketing chat, however, I cannot stress enough that your book must be amazing, professional, the best you can possibly make it.
How Does Book Marketing Chat (#BookMarketingChat) Work?
I have had a number of questions about the mechanics of #BookMarketingChat on Twitter (every Wednesday 6pm pst/9pm est hosted by me and co-hosted by my author assistant extraordinaire Emily Rabitoy) — how does it work?
SUPER EASY, I promise. Here goes:
1) Anyone can join a Twitter chat. Just type the hashtag on Twitter (you do need a Twitter account; no, it doesn’t need to be active). You don’t have to tweet anything, you can simply follow along (it’s called ‘lurking’).
2) I find it easiest to go to Tweetchat.com or Twubs.com (both free), type in the hashtag once, authorize with your Twitter account, and then the software adds the hashtag for you to any tweets IF you’re participating (e.g., responding or creating new tweets). Otherwise, again, just follow along. (Some people use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite, too. Whatever you want.)
3) The key to participating in a chat is to ALWAYS include the hashtag in your tweets The hashtag is not just there to annoy or confuse you which is, in this case, #BookMarketingChat. People don’t understand hashtags (tip: if you’re on social media, figure it out. Nobody cares if you think they’re stupid, yada yada) and that’s okay (not really, but for the purpose of chats, you must use the hashtag to participate, not write a doctoral thesis about it).
In Social Media World, literary snobbishness does not help you. Hashtags are a part of the the culture of Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest. Deal with it. Learn it. Use it.
For chats, the hashtag is the glue that holds the chat together, and is the only way for a group of chatters to gather outside of the constant stream of tweets; if you don’t use it, you’ll be left out. Those participating in the chat will not see your tweet without the hashtag. Basically, you’ll be talking to yourself. Use the assigned hashtag.
4) The chat is only one hour, once per week. So, don’t include the hashtag in your tweets any other day or time (unless you’re referencing something specifically mentioned during the chat).
Kinda like how people will tweet out #MondayBlogs on a Thursday? Yea, don’t do that. (You can use #ThursdayWrites on a Thursday though…see how that works?)
5) Chats move fast. Don’t feel bad if you can’t keep up. We do a summary (called a Storify) every week and pin it to the top of the Book Marketing Chat Facebook page — which would be great if you could go LIKE right now, and send us rainbows and glitter (okay, just go Like it, if you want. If you don’t want to, fine, be that way. We won’t stick needles into voodoo dolls of you or anything. Ahem.).
6) Not a Twitter person? Cool, you can still benefit! Even if you don’t have Twitter, you can read the summary each week on the Facebook page to benefit. The chat takes place on Twitter, but it’s about a variety of book marketing topics. So far, we’ve covered:
- Pinterest,
- book marketing,
- Twitter,
- hashtags
- Goodreads
- Twitter lists
- Facebook groups
- Setting up promotions
- Free days vs. discounts
- what to blog about
- what is branding
- brand the author, not the book
7) Expert guests wanted! Are you an expert on book marketing, social media, or branding? Contact me! BadRedheadMedia@gmail.com and be our guest! We’re generating a huge amount of tweets and exposure each week.
We always ask for feedback from chat members, so what do you most want to learn about regarding book marketing? Please leave your ideas in comments below!!
8) Great topics! We’ve covered everything from each social media channel to blogging to SEO to promotional ideas to email marketing to…well, pretty much everything you need to know to market your books. If you miss a week, don’t worry: we post each summary on the public Book Marketing Chat Facebook page in the Notes section — catch up when you can.
9) Which account do I follow? I tweet from my @BadRedheadMedia account for the chat, and Emilie tweets from her @TheRuralVA account, so please follow us there if you haven’t already. It really doesn’t matter which accounts you follow though, as long as you are using the hashtag #BookMarketingChat.
10) We do this for YOU: We both volunteer our time every week, get amazing guests (who graciously volunteer their time), and do this solely TO HELP AUTHORS — so we would love it if you could help spread the word, Like and share our Facebook page, follow @BkMarketingChat on Twitter, tell others how awesome it is, participate when you can, and generally help us popularize this weekly chat so we can keep it going for you!
Let’s do this thingy.
Readers, please share this post so other authors know how to get this valuable free information, too! Here’s a handy tweet and Facebook share for you to copy/paste with your followers:
How Can #BookMarketingChat Help You Sell More Books? via @BadRedheadMedia http://ow.ly/8NlS300H3s1 #authors
How Can #BookMarketingChat on Twitter Help You Sell More Books? http://ow.ly/8NlS300H3s1 via BadRedhead Media
Follow Book Marketing Chat on Twitter and Facebook. We are in the process of adding a Pinterest and Google+ page soon!
We do want to hear what you want to learn about in chats. Please give us your feedback below!
For a more detailed plan on developing your book marketing, purchase Rachel’s new book,
Readers’ Favorite Silver Award Winner!

[…] the past two months, I’ve led MANY #BookMarketingChats (one each week) and we’ve […]
[…] few weeks ago, the amazing Bonnie from Buffer was our guest on #BookMarketingChat (Rachel’s free weekly book marketing chat on Wednesdays, 6pm pst — just use the hashtag […]
[…] few weeks ago, the amazing Bonnie from Buffer was our guest on #BookMarketingChat (Rachel’s free weekly book marketing chat on Wednesdays, 6pm pst — just use the hashtag […]
[…] a recent #BookMarketingChat (join us any Wednesday, 6pm pst/9pm est), we discussed “ebook metadata” and the importance […]
[…] me weekly for free #BookMarketingChat (every Wednesday, 6pm pst/9pm est) to learn how to market your […]
[…] posts and books in which he can learn about how to effectively market his book (and even to my free #BookMarketingChat, every Wednesday 6pm pst/9pm est). It doesn’t cost money to learn how to market your book […]
[…] don’t forget: I do a free weekly #BookMarketingChat on Twitter every Wednesday, 6pm pst/9pm est to help you. Join […]
[…] me weekly for free #BookMarketingChat (every Wednesday, 6pm pst/9pm est) to learn how to market your […]
[…] discuss here in my blog posts, my book The BadRedhead 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge, weekly on #BookMarketingChat (every Wednesday on Twitter at 6pm pst/9pm est), and across my various social media channels, […]
[…] friend Mike Allton (a recent guest on #BookMarketingChat) at The Social Media Hat recently published an extremely comprehensive guide to promoting blog […]
[…] our last #BookMarketingChat, we welcomed marketing consultant Jacob Warwick, who focused on writing for large publications. […]
[…] co-hosts #BookMarketingChat with founder & host, Rachel Thompson (@BadRedHeadMedia) Every Wednesday 6pm PST/ 9pm […]